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The lord of light leads his army at night

Yesterday, I have perceived the world on a new scale of perception. The idea that the moon is the lord of light that leads the army of darkness. and the sun is the king of darkness that leads the light. I believe that the balance of the sun and the moon, needs to happen inside of us. As the old Cherokee Tale says, "There are two wolves in us... one is good and one is evil. They fight everyday, and the winner is the one you feed." While most people see it as a metaphor to be good, I see it as a challenge. While I can't recommend this to everyone, I try my best to tame the wolfs and make them friends, creating a inner balance of playful yet serious. Creating a perception of grim, yet charming; being satisfied with the mysterious wonders of the universe. Creating tranquility, not only within yourself, but with the world around you.

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